
Re: PM_Square ! Permanent Magnet Powered Motor !

>> Well, I have worked together with the inventor and another "magnet freak"
>> during this weekend on the design and we found the solution how to power a
>> motor just via using Permanent Magnets !
>(And more description, with an exclamation point at the end of every
>single paragraph.)
>You're a fool too.
>"And Aholibamah bare Jeush, and Jaalam, and Korah: these were the borogoves..."
>Re: PM_Square ! Permanent Magnet Powered Motor !
Egotistical male artists farts
flashing all their machismo parts
keeping women in their place
spinning illusions in your face
taking liberties with our fate

when we they act responsibly
when will they use their position to point the way
when will they ever learn
Why don't the museums hang women artists or artists of color
art, fart, male, principle
abstract shit only a few can do
give us a break
let the women through
let the people of color
express another opinion

The female point of view is open, lovely, sweet
soft, compassionate, forgiving, non-violent, reasonable
understanding, loving, caring, preserving, soft

Our present culture is brutal, violent, judgemental,
destructive, negative death defying, dominating, tyranical police nonesense,
that is what our machismo, Republican, Newt Gingrich KKK American money
monkey culture is all about

When will they ever learn?When is enough enough?
How  high is high enough? How far is far enough?
Where are we running to? What do we expect to find when we get there?
How many more attorneys, police, jails, judgement do we need?

When the male machismo artsy fartsy artists and psuedo intellectuals stop
beating women and ignoring wormen in their art, and ignoring female values
with their government and science, when these aristocrats become conscious
and aware, they find themselves happy and at peace with themselves and the
burning will stop.

Run Baby Run

See dreams forming, clouds drifting above
Hear drums pounding on distant shores
never look behind,  surrender all regrets,
the setting sun always dips below the horizon in the west

waters cover up what use to be
fears blinds to what might have been
every blade of grass has a memory
every drop of rain lives to rise again
every beam of light is a message to something
gravity attracts light
gravity attracts anything
everything attracts everything
love is gravity, matter is made up of light
light is what we use to see
see is what we long to see
run baby run
run from the setting sun
stay in the light
stay in the love
stay in the know
those who know
are not afraid
those who fear do not know
love is light, light is information
light is used by each sentient conscious entity
transformed from pure chaos into pure form through desire, love, gravity,
the weak force, the magnetic force, atraction

Elementary logic flows from the intention to communicate
Elementary harmony flows from communication
sinlight tells the plant gene to build a hydrocarbon structure, capable of
pumping water, energy and material through it self to constantly renew and
extend itself. what does sunlight tell you?

Run baby run
run from the setting sun
run for your life
run for the light
run till you drop
run till you stop
run till you see the point.

Thought you might like a break from the techno jargon.
alpha Lee

Lee Porter Butler
620 Biscayne Drive
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401

Re: PM_Square ! Permanent Magnet Powered Motor !