
universal energies/forces

I love the discussion to determine if gravity is an energy of a force. Come
on boys, back to basics. What is the effective difference when it comes to
moving mass or doing work. Gravity creates the wind. Wind creates torque.
Torque can be converted to heat.
In gravity convection, we speak of loops. If you change the temperature of
a liquid or a gas, you change the denisty. In a loop, if you add or
subtract heat to one side, you will create differential density ( between
the two columns of liquid or gas) causing the colder side of the loop to

Not that you would want to do it, but you could build a solar chimney in
which you put hudge air foil blades which turned whenever the air rises. I
am simply saying that this system is superior to one which uses a crystal
to generate electricity, then uses the electricity to move air or create
torque. Building the crystal is harder than building the solar chimney.
Storage for the solar chimney system could be in the form of heat, stored
in earth mass, water or whatever. Storage for the electrical power would be
far more complicated and harder to maintain.

All of this assumes you are dealing with a client who wants something
quiet, safe, trouble free and simple to fix should anything every go wrong
with the system.

Solar electricity makes sense for providing lighting and certain electronic
applications which demand electrical power. Even up to 85 % of all lighting
could be done through well designed daylighting and ionically activated
phosphorescence surface coatings.

The other energy this board is ignoring is the thermal capacity of the
earth to influence and dominate the interior temperatures of our buildings.
The earth stays cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, than the
temperatures at which we design our buildings. This is true virtually
anywhere in the world, meaning, we are ignoring the energy of thermal
inertia, represented by the mass of earth directly beneath our feet. Again,
this is energy which is everywhere, doesn't cost anything once a design is
created to utilize it, is quiet, pollution free. Any more questions.

Food. Food is energy. there is mounting evidence that we eat too much and
more specifically, we eat things which are known to cause deadly diseases.
In other words, we are getting our energy from corrupted and dishonest
sources which do not care if we individually, the consumers of their
products, live or die. How we cook our food and what kind of foods we
combine is very important. Without this knowledge, we suffer from many
forms of disease and die.

Without art or creative forms of self expression, the individual becomes
depressed and neurotic. The present emphasis on money and only money is
creating a society of boring lonely people. Everyone is afraid to talk
about it, however, the time is coming soon, when the pain of isolation will
become too great. People will recognize and accept theri need for artistic
expression through poetry, painting, sculpture, writing, theater,
gardening, and architecture. Our century is coming to a close with a
country overun by attorneys, bureaucrats, accountants, bean counters and
technocrats at the local, state and national levels. None of these people
make anything. All they do is sell it, account for it and print paper
subsittutes for real wealth. The unfortunate thing is, they control the

The third wave describes what is happening now perfectly, just that no one
wants to accept how far it is going to go. Mindless machismo politico
police tactics are dead. Long live the revolution.

Alpha lee Rainbow Light

The Tall White men with ties

meet in their office tower board rooms
and tell each other lies
about the sizes of their portfolios
while paid cheap white trash female suckers drain their plumbing
belore the big sucker kill
waiting in the next room
 full of invited suckers listening to their lies

The tall white men with ties
Planning now  to industrialize
the next unsuspecting third world culture
sentencing the people to daily slavery
polluting the beautiful earth
felling all of the tall trees
exhausting every square inch of earth
paving over more of it with asphalt and concrete
for obscene profit and more discretionary income

the tall white men with ties
blowing up old buildings
destroying resources, buildings and effort while
allowing there brothers to go homeless and without love
sending off powerful rockets to the moon
looking for more territory to desecrate and destroy
blowing up each other in war

The tall white men with ties
telling all their lies
killing all of their wives and their children
the king white aristocrats of hate
this KKK of late
The Tall white men with ties of Wall Street
making up the wrap
legalizing con games and crap shoots
the hypnotic tunes of Madison Avenue
seducing the poor working schmuck
into beating his wife
into ignoring their children
into mortaging their life's work
for the latest consumer electronics
and cheap weekend thrills in a trendy spa resort
and a fantasy life in a country club golf course real estate development
Where will it end up?
When will it ever end?
who is responsible for the soul of man?
Who is responsible for the earth?
Who is accountable to our future generations?
Who is accountable to the cosmos?
When is enough enough
enough is enough
small is beautiful
less is more

Lee Porter Butler
620 Biscayne Drive
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401

universal energies/forces