
Re: universal energies/forces

It is this kind of pedantic, reductionistic thinking which has brought the
world into the amazing wonders of modern technology. Personally I can not
disprove anything you are saying.I simply stand by my houses as the most
comfortable, open, light airy, easy to maintain, beautiful of any in the
world. All the arguments, pro and con about why they work and how they work
are scientific bs.

I will continue to utilize gravity, evaporative cooling, and dozens of
other " energies" to power my natural living organic systems. You can
continue building and getting your power the old way. Eventually, you will
run out of bs and the fuel you are consuming.

It is combustion and friction which are the enemy, along with
centralization and closed scientific minds who practive architecture.
Alpha Lee

Lee Porter Butler
620 Biscayne Drive
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401

Re: universal energies/forces