
Re: universal energies/forces

>>In article <18738.usenet@merckx.graphics.cornell.edu> Lee Butler
>> <lbutler@GATE.NET> writes:
>>> Gravity creates the wind.
>                No gravity no rising or falling of the air mass because of
>differential densities.
>                Least that 's how i sees it..
>>Hmmm... I thought that solar heating of the atmosphere combined with the
>>Earth's rotation creates the wind.  Darn.  So the best place for wind farms
>>would be at the base of really tall mountains?  ;^)
>                Any chopper pilot will tell you that you HAVE to be real
>careful during mountain operations.. seem to be tremendous up and down
>drafts.. probably in part due to the THERMALS from Rising and Falling air
>because air gets hot, less dense,and rises on the sunnysie of the mountain..
>Then on the cooler darker side of the mountain it sinks...but it wouldnt
>sink OR rise in a gravityless environment.. ( warm air wouldn't be lighter
>than cool air )
>                I would think that a properly selected mountain site that
>took into account direction of prevailing wind and existing thermals would
>have tremedous potential as a wind mill site
>Re: universal energies/forces

Thank you. Alpha Lee

Lee Porter Butler
620 Biscayne Drive
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401

Re: universal energies/forces