
Re: universal energies/forces

>In article <18738.usenet@merckx.graphics.cornell.edu> Lee Butler
> <lbutler@GATE.NET> writes:
>> Gravity creates the wind.
>Hmmm... I thought that solar heating of the atmosphere combined with the
>Earth's rotation creates the wind.  Darn.  So the best place for wind farms
>would be at the base of really tall mountains?  ;^)
>>The Tall White men with ties
><snipping of much drivel>
>Gee Lee, I'm kinda tall, I'm of the male gender, and even wear a tie
>occasionally; but, I work in and for renewable energy.  Did I miss something?
>But seriously, please watch the generalizations, particularly when combined
>with that kind of invective.  If we're going to get out of the mess we've
>created, everyone, including a whole bunch of tall white guys, have to work
>together with mutual respect.
>- All opinions expressed are solely those of the author -
>Re: universal energies/forces

If the poem fits, wear it. If you can still act and think independently in
a tie environment, more power to you. I simply find the arrogant, up tight
Hravard-MIT attitude or business approach so monodimensional and boring. I
did not mean to imply that everyone who wore a tie was brain dead, just 95%
of them.

By the same token, if you go casual, it does not mean that you think for
yourself. Consider thisThe Palm Beaches
by Lee Porter Butler

West Palm Beach, or "Waste Palm Beach", as it is know by the midnight
underground alternative youth culture,( i.e The Flow and Rage, Red Heron )
is a microcosm or mini version of what is happening in the whole wide
world. It is easy to criticize, so that is what I am going to do here. I am
also going to offer a solution.

We have attempted to introduce some progressive, positive ideas, actions
and solutions to the problems of the revitalization of the down town area.
These ideas have been directed at the youth, who presently have no where to
go and nothing to do.

 The problem is we live in a money culture. If you have no money,you can
not be a part of the culture. Of course we have nature and that is free,
but if you are poor stay out of our downtown, it is for upwardly mobile,
well heeled,  material consumers.There is no place for art or alternative

The leaders of this community ignore the poor people, the children, the
defenseless, gays, Negros, Hispanics and individual artists who choose not
be a part of the system. I honestly believe that it would be correct to say
the the downtown developers, authorities and political leaders do not
understand art of life at all. All they know is concrete, accounting,
conceptual principles of mass production, laws and banking. In failing to
understand art and life, the aging fathers and young politically correct
clones are feeding the causes of crime, juvenile delinquency and begging
for another violent revolution.Their high rates of alcoholism & divorce are
just a symptoms of their deeper inner miseries.

Why should our young people respect what these old buzzards are doing or
who they are, when they do not allow alternative points of view to even be
heard. Our local politicians and city leaders all act petty, egotistical
and can not delegate responsibility or get anything done. i.e. therefore
instead of leaving our beautiful 10 year old streetscape and thirty foot
tall shade trees along Clematis be, they blew them up to replace them with
newer trees and sidewalks. 2.9 mil Just like the Pennsylvania Hotel 2.0 mil
The Holiday Inn 2.0 mil the Police Station 5.0 mil and the entrance to the
main downtown library, another mil or two.Pretty soon you are talking "real
money". Why? What for? Why is there no day care for working mothers? Why
are there not more books in our library or the latest computerized internet
connections which could free our local poor from ignorance and poverty. Why
did they close the downtown swimming pool? Where are our priorities? Have
we lost our minds?

We can now gaze at a (expensive to operate) computerized fountain, that
wastes precious water supplies  through high rates of evaporation. Why? So
we can attract more tourists. Do we really want downtown West Palm Beach to
be like South Beach? Most locals I know  say no. Then why do we have these
machismo juveniles running and ruining our beautiful city? Why did they cut
the 80' tall Olive shade tree which my wife and I tried to save at the Art
Armory? To cover more earth with concrete and build a wider sidewalk.
Idiotic Why did they just cut another tree? To cover more earth with
concrete.Idiotic. Progress, no. For profit, Yes. No. You decide. Power to
an old crowd of destructors and dominators. We have concrete at the Art
Armory while artists starve and languish for lack of basic support. We call
this the concretization of the earth. Our community will eventually end up
looking and feeling like New York or  Miami, a concrete jungle, a
nightmare, out of control. It starts small.

We are calling for a silent revolution. A Peaceful revolution. A expedient
and efficient revolution. Let the people who know speak. Let the others
remain silent. Let the leaders lead. Let the other follow. If it sounds
like I am running for something but I am not. I just want responsible
leaders who will communicate with their people. I am calling for an end to
the disparity of wealth here in Palm Beach county, to the end of millions
of square feet aging empty impotent warehouses and commercial buildings
which are presently legally inaccessible to the people who could actually
use them for self supporting and productive purposes.

I don't care what we have to call it. I don"t care who gets paid or how
much. I want to know why we have all these starving artists, needing studio
and living space, with no visible means of support cannot communicate with
the rich property owners, clinging to their wealth, self righteously
preaching to the artists to get a job. That is anti art and I call it anti

In the past, 1776, 1860, and 1917, and throughout this century in China,
large masses of law abiding citizens, driven past their ability to
understand their dominators, stormed the bastions of power and took the
space and resources from the emperors, Tsars and Kings. In America, twice
the people have demanded local rule. In 1776 freedom won. In 1860 the
empiralists or federalists won. It is a situation something like the
ancient Egyptian civilization, instead of a pharaoh, we have a president. I
believe it is time for the people to reject this antiquated concept. I
hereby declare my primary allegiance to the earth and not to any political
nation or power which has temporarily established itself here on earth. The
time has come to end corruption. If everyone would simply tell the truth (
their own feelings) , evil would disappear.

We propose that the new growth business of Downtown West Palm  Beach be
environmental education and entertainment. A kind of ecotourism resort,
where the latest in benign ecologically sustainable life styles and
technologies would be visible and being demonstrated for profit and fun.
Health oriented, we have the perfect climate in which to develop something
like this. We have the two  most important ingredients, sunshine and water.
All it takes is  vision & leadership, scholarship and acts of distinction
on the part of each and every person who lives here. Help us convince the
powers that be to start this multiversity now.

Lee Porter Butler
620 Biscayne Drive
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401

Re: universal energies/forces