
Re: MRA free energy hobby project!

Harry H Conover <conover@max.tiac.net> wrote:
>Nick Pine (nick@vu-vlsi.ee.vill.edu) wrote:
>: I think I'm beginning to understand these things. I wonder how they can be
>: useful...
>Nick, wouldn't a Trace Inverter  be  better choice for this applicaton than 
>using a previously discredited MRA? ^---error1              error2--^

Trace inverters seem pretty complicated for this task, and an MRA
would seem to have some multiple rotational speed synchronization 
and load matching potential that is not in the Trace...

And Trace as a company seems leery of synchronous utility interfaces,
for political or business reasons, I guess... ("Yes, our box could
operate in that mode, but we don't want to irritate the utilities.")

>Remember, MRA is already demonstrated to be an energy sink without 
>any obvious useful function or application, not an energy source. 

Oh, I forgot. But what does that have to do with the price of cheese?
Previously discredited tools can be useful too, in new applications.
I hesitate to mention a certain architect, enamored of eternal harmonies.

Jeez Harry, I wish you would act less like an ignorant, illiterate,
backward-thinking, incorrigible curmudgeon, and more like me... :-)

