
Re: AE Digest - 27 May 1995 to 29 May 1995

Alpha Lee Rainbow Light Cloud, Messenger/Prophet from the Seven Stars,
who appears to lack a sense of humor or humility, further froths:

> Description of Ekotecture Structures

>(5) maintains comfortable interior temperatures, year round in all
>climates, by utilizing the gravity geothermal convection  double air
>envelope  =81 and the gravity solar convection chimney    =81 eliminating
>mechanical and electrical  systems for  day lighting, heating, cooling,
>space conditioning, ventilation and  humidity control, all of which
>combined,  help to eliminate "sick building syndrome" and retard the growth
>of  molds, fungus, bacteria and germs.  (7) utilizes the organic atomic
>spiraling dodecahedral  stacking crystalline structures...

Before the millenium, some of us might want to try a nice new electronic air
filter made by Aqua-Air Technologies, at (410) 489-5288. The ESSA electronic
filter comes in 14 standard sizes, and slips in place of a normal air filter
in a hot air heating system. It has a retail price of about $200. It's an inch
thick, and it uses three metal screens with two filter pads between the
screens. The center screen has a potential of 7,000 VDC, and the outer two
are grounded. The filter pads cost about a dollar, and need replacing about
every two months. The device comes with a small 110-24V transformer which
plugs into a wall socket, and the power consumption is listed as 24VAC at
1.6 VA, ie less than two watts. 

Here is the basic filter performance:

Typical Ambient Particle                
Size distribution (in microns) per m^3       Particle Removal Rates 
                       % by    % by          Electrostatic   ESSA
Size (um.)   Count     count   weight        ($800-1200)     ($200)

10+          1,000     .005%   28%  xxx x    99%             99+%
5-10        35,000     .175%   52%    x x    95%             99+%
1-5        264,000    1.32%    17%    x x    85%             99+%
.5-1     1,352,000    6.78%     2%    xxx    60%             90+%
.01-.5  18,280,000   91.72%     1%    xxx    40%             65%

                                    |||||_ bacteria/viruses/spores
                                    ||||_ cooking/tobacco smoke
                                    |||_ household dust
                                    ||_ pollen/mold/spores
                                    |_ dander/hair

Average synthetic dust weight arrestance: 79%

Single pass efficiency: 33% @0.3 um, 75% @0.5 um, 95% @1 um, 99% @3 um

Pressure drop: 0.05" @150 lfm, 0.1" @225 lfm, 0.15" @300 lfm, 0.22" @375 lfm

ASHRAE dust holding capacity: 20 gm/ft^2

Does not produce ozone

More than one person with severe asthma has told me that these really work,
that they have had their first night of good sleep in years, after spending
one night in a bedroom with one of these devices.

The air filter product is available now, and Aqua Air will soon have a
stand-alone console model with built-in fan, prefilter and charcoal filter.
One low-cost way of using the air filter now is to buy a $15 20" box fan and
mount a 20" ESSA filter on the suction side, with duct tape...

