
Re: Solar Ovens/Water distilation

In article <Pine.SUN.3.91.950705104836.1588A-100000@acy1.digex.net>
           tuandbob@acy1.digex.net "Tu and Bob Myers" writes:

> Try:  Back Home (Magazine)
>       Backwoods Home (Magazine)
>       Home Power (Magazine)
>       Mother Earth News (Magazine)
>       Kansas Wind Power (Company)
>       Lake Michigan Wind and Sun (Company)
> There were articles on solar distillation in the Caribbean (sp?) in one 
> or more of the magazines.  I believe one of the two companies sells/sold 
> commercially built versions of the distiller described below, in 3 or 
> four sizes.
> Solar Distiller Description
> Basicly the distiller is a flat table 4' by '4' (4' by 8') with walls.  
> The walls are about 6" high in front and about 12" in back, and slanting 
> on the sides.  The distiller is covered with glass pane(s).  There is a 
> fresh water collection trough on the front wall about 1" below the 
> glass.  It has a hose leading to a fresh water container.
> Operation
> The table/distiller is filled about half height with salt water.  The sun 
> heats the water which evaporates and collects on the glass (which is 
> colder than the air and water in the distiller).  Because the glass is 
> slanted from the front of the distiller, the condensed water moves to the 
> front of the glass/collector and falls into the unsalted water collector, 
> thence to the fresh water container.
> At, or after, sunset the distiller is drained to get rid of the salty 
> water which is saltier because of the water that was removed.  Rinsing 
> with new (less) salty water helps.  Then the distiller is refilled with a 
> new charge of salty water for the next day.
> I don't remember the average daily output.
Does anyone have a copy of any of the above named articles or know the address
of the above magazines/companies?

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