
Solar Powered (PV) Bug-Zappers

  We are looking desperately for Bug-Zappers that will work off of 12VDC 
to hook up to PV panels with a small regulator and battery, this is for 
installation in remote areas where 120VAC is NOT available (10 miles to 
the NEAREST utility gridline and VERY unlikely to be available anytime in 
the next 25 years:()

  We have had several requests for this product in both its forms, a 
straight zapper style and the combination fan-zapper which sucks the bugs 
into the zapper coil via a fan.

  So far our searchs have turned up nill, as some of our customers for 
some reason dislike the idea of their children being picked up and flown 
away by hungry Minnesota State Birds (Mosquitos) and the like <G>  so we 
are turning to the net to see if ANYONE out there has seen bug-zappers 
that will work on 12VDC.

  If you know of such zappers please Email me with a product's info and 
whom to contact so that we can get a few of these in stock ASAP.

