
Re: Selling energy via the grid

Harry H Conover <conover@max.tiac.net> wrote:
>Nick Pine (nick@vu-vlsi.ee.vill.edu) wrote:
>: Harry H Conover <conover@max.tiac.net> wrote:
>: >I've been posting actual engineering information addressing technical
>: >aspects of selling power back to the grid.
>: Trouble is, a lot of it's wrong.
>Oh?  Which part bothers you...?

One of the things that bothers me about your postings is that you don't
understand the difference between a stand-alone inverter and a simple
synchronous inverter. You made this quite evident in your previous posting.
Ignorance is excusable. So is stupidity. So is mispelling. But when you
combine all this with arrogance I find it amusing, and a waste of time. 

