
Re: Controlling the solar scourge

Clark Dorman <dorman@cochlea.bu.edu> wrote:
>nick@vu-vlsi.ee.vill.edu (Nick Pine) writes:

>>I like the Air 303. $550 for 375 watts, from Jade Mountain at (800) 442-1972.
>>Now all we need is a cheap, reliable synchronous inverter to feed this tiny
>>power back to the grid. I'm an electrical engineer. I keep telling people
>>that a synchronous inverter at this power level should not cost much more
>>than a lamp dimmer. A simple triac bridge, a backwards lamp dimmer, with a
>>small microprocessor to determine the optimum load for the windmill, $10
>>worth of parts. Someday, someone will design one of these. This is not a
>>very difficult job for the right kind of electrical engineer. Perhaps there
>>is a German product like this already. 
>This does not seem to make economic sense.

Better than grid-connected PVs... Much better than filling your house
up with batteries and inverters, if you live near a grid.

>Even assuming that you get 375 watts _all_ the time, then the payback is
>several years.

Not bad...

>You would produce .375 kwh per hour and at $.05 per kwh, it would take you
>29333 hours (3.3 years) to make back the $550.  With down time and realistic
>assumptions, it will be well over 5 years.

Sounds pretty good to me. BTW, my electricity costs about 12 cents/kWh,
and that cost increases with time. I use an average of 600 watts. Steve
Baer uses closer to 60. He would become a net power producer, with one
of these 45" toys on the roof.
>Also, connecting power back to the grid is just not that simple.  If nothing
>else, the power company needs to be able to switch the power coming from you
>on and off so they can work on the lines.

Not if your machine can do that itself. It can be just that simple :-)

>And if you want to be paid for your investment, it needs to be meters

False. For instance, in Vermont (I think) state law requires that the
utility let you run a single meter in both directions. And this is
consistent with net billing, and technically, it works fine.

