
Re: Selling energy via the grid

Harry H Conover <conover@max.tiac.net> wrote:
>Nick Pine (nick@vu-vlsi.ee.vill.edu) wrote:
>: Harry H Conover <conover@max.tiac.net> wrote:
>: >Nick Pine (nick@vu-vlsi.ee.vill.edu) wrote:
>: >: Harry H Conover <conover@max.tiac.net> wrote:
>: >:  
>: >: >I've been posting actual engineering information addressing technical
>: >: >aspects of selling power back to the grid.
>: >
>: >: Trouble is, a lot of it's wrong.
>: >
>: >Oh?  Which part bothers you...?
>: One of the things that bothers me about your postings is that you don't
>: understand the difference between a stand-alone inverter and a simple
>: synchronous inverter.
>Strangely enough, I don't recally ever even addressing a stand-alone inverter.

They say the legs are not the first thing to go, as you get older... Or
perhaps you just didn't realize what you were talking about. No problem :-)

>Perhaps your confusion here stems from your previous post in which you
>attempted to equate the electronics of a lamp dimmer with that of a power

Perhaps your confusion here stems from your previous post in which you
attempted to equate the electronics of a grid-tie inverter to a standalone
power inverter.

>If you have a technical correction to make, please do so.  

I've given up arguing with you Harry. You post a load of erroneous bullshit
and I point out in simple technical words exactly HOW you are full of shit,
and you don't get the point. You just ask irrelevant questions or move
blithely on to throw rocks at some other idea. You've done this to me once
before by email, and now again in posted form. Twice is enough. Goodbye.

I talked with an extremely good lamp dimming engineer this morning. His part
of the conversation went like this: "Yes...yes...yes...yes..." It's very
simple and gratifying to talk to someone who knows what I'm talking about.

