
Re: Larger solar closets

In Article <45d7rm$944@vu-vlsi.ee.vill.edu> "nick@vu-vlsi.ee.vill.edu (Nick Pine)" says:
> La Defense (is that the name of the empty cube in Paris?) looks to be about
> 500' tall, from a picture. If we filled the space inside with containers of
> water, and insulated the front and back faces, and added a passive solar air
> heater on the south face, we would have a solar closet that would take about
> 500^2 = 250,000 days, ie 685 years to cool to 70 F, with no sun, in 32 F air.
> If the earth were a solar closet, it would take about 5 trillion years
> to cool to 70 F. Of course the inside is molten rock, not hot water.
> Nick
Ah, but in addition to the heat input from solar light impacting, there is 
also the heat input from radioctive decay within the earth.  As if you were
to put a soldering iron inside one of your smaller solar closets, eh?
Keep up the good work, Nick.  You've already convinced me to add a solar closet
to my house... when I get a house. :-(

Brendan A. Niemira            v3.1: GS d- s+:+ a- c++@ U-- P? L E?           
Dept. Botany and Plant Path.  W-(--) N++(+++) o+ K--- w O? M-- V?
Michigan State University     PS+ PE(++) Y+ PGP t+++ 5 X++>++++ R
niemirab@pilot.msu.edu        tv b+++ DI D+ G e++++ h--- r+++ y+++
        All opinions expressed are entirely my own.
