
Global Citizen

Global Citizen, The Lodge, Seminary Street,  Leeds, LS2 9NH,  

Global Citizen

Global Citizen,  for the people of the world without
political  incompetence and the miss-use of power.

G.C. represents all the people of  the world on a humanitarian, 
economic and environmental grass-roots level.

The goal of Global Citizen is to focus world opinion onto the 
of the world and the plight of the environment they live in. To 
disseminate knowledge about environmentally friendly methods of 
living and how people world-wide can improve their standard of 
and well-being without harming  the environment or the Earth's 

· The Earth being One, but we are not.
· The recognition that the biosphere recognises no divisions or 

These are just two of many issues that Global Citizen will 

What we really need is your input and opinions of what other 
we can do, be it use of  the Web or the general media, or new 
Global Citizen is open to change but our primary goal is to 
the Earth and its People.

If you want more information about Global Citizen could you 
send $7 U.S. or £5 Sterling made out to Global Citizen,
to the address above. 
This is so that we can cover printing and postage.

If you agree with our aims join us now by making a donation.

Please send an international Money order or
U.S. or Sterling Cheque to the above.