
Re: Solar cookers and Winter

is there anyway to sterilze soil with solar power.  it has to get to 180
and the larger the better.?
also let us kow how those test come out.

On Sat, 17 Dec 1994, Mike Prine CIRT wrote:

>         Over winter break I plan to run some test on our "Sun Oven". It is
> one of the commercial unit you can buy from Real-Goods or others for 160 to
> 200 dollars. Their are less expensive units available and of course you can
> make your oun but I'm rough on things and wanted something that would last.
> On the few tries I have made it gets over 200degrees F in 1/2 hour to 45min.
> Wind, insulation quality and what you are cooking will affect your results.
> --
> I get most of my electricity, at home, from the sun. | Bitnet:   mikep@unmb
> It's a hobby, who cares if it's cost effective!      | Internet: mikep@unm.edu
> University of New Mexico in Albuquerque New Mexico, USA
> 2701 Campus Blvd NE 87131-6046 USA     Phone: 505-277-8135
> Solar cookers and Winter

Sal Schettino,Organic Farmer,don't panic eat organic,sals@rain.org
or check out my homepage:            http://www.rain.org/~sals/my.html

Re: Solar cookers and Winter                                                 R