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[seedsavers] EVENT: Washington Gardener Seed Exchange on Sat 1.26 in Wheaton, MD

Washington Gardener Seed  Exchange
Saturday, January 26
Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD

The mail-in preregistration deadline has now passed.
However, you can still sign up at the event.
Onsite registration begins at 12:00noon and the event program starts at

Full details along with a registration form you can print out  and fill in to
bring with you at:

Updated Seed Exchange  Schedule*
12:00-12:30 Registration and seed  drop-off
12:30-12:35 Introductory remarks and overview - Kathy Jentz,  Washington
Gardener magazine
12:35-1 “Solving Problems with  Propagation & Hardening Off” – Gene Sumi,
Homestead Gardens
1-1:30 "Succession  & Companion Plantings" – Mark Smallwood, Whole Foods
Green  Mission Specialist
1:30-2:00 “The  Forgotten Annnuals” – Janet Draper,  Smithsonian
2:00-2:15 Refreshment  Break
2:15-2:45 Seed Show &  Tell/Preview
2:45-3:15 Seed Swap!
3:15-3:45 Washington Gardener  Photo Contest Winners Presentation
3:45-4:00 Door Prizes and closing remarks  - Kathy Jentz, Washington Gardener
*schedule subject to last minute change

All registered attendees receive a goody bag, here is a  partial list of the
bag contents donated for this year:

-  Heirloom Tomato seeds  from D. Landreth Seed Co.
-  Milkweed seeds from The  Monarch Effect Foundation
- annual flower seed packs  from America the Beautiful
-  herb seed packs from  Homestead  Gardens*
- magnets and bookmarks from  University of  Maryland HGIC
- butterfly  weed seed packets attached to Green Spring resource card from
Green Spring Gardens
- asstd. Heirloom seed packs  from Seeds of Change
- ‘Fireball  Marigold seed packs from Burpee (greenearthmediagroup)
- sample packs of  Dynamite environmentally sustainable fertilizer from 
-  asstd. seed packets from the AgNIC partner, WinterSown.org
- Jan/Feb 08 issue  from Washington Gardener Magazine
- wildflower  mix seed packs from WildSeed Farms

In  addition, we'll have dozens of great door prize items that registered
attendees can win, including these donations from our sponsors:

- Better Than Rocks pot drainage  filler from BetterThanRocks.com
- Pour & Store Watering Can  from Gardener's Supply/Dutch Gardens
- Adkins Arboretum membership and  native plant guide from Adkins Arboretum
- PawPaw Trees (set of 2) from  Edible Landscaping
- two tickets to one of  the Winter Lecture programs at Green Spring  Gardens
– 2 certificates for 32 oz  Bottles of Global Worming Worm Tea 
- soil and  compost from Pogo Organics
- 10 passes to The Capital Home and Garden Show Feb  21-24
- $25 gift card for Brookside Gardens Marylandica Store
- botanical print from Jentz  Prints
- garden books from Timber  Press

Please let your gardening friends know about this great event.
PS You are welcome to attend even if you have NO seeds to bring.

Kathy  Jentz
Washington Gardener Magazine
826  Philadelphia Ave.
Silver Spring MD  20910
editor@washingtongardener.com_  http://www.washingtongardener.com/_

Our mission: to help your  Washington, DC, area garden grow better!
Subscribe today for $20 a year by  sending a check to the address above.
The magazine makes a great gift for  gardening friends!

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