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Re: [seedsavers] Guess who has asked to be subscribed to this list.

Elise Lutrick wrote:

> So,,,even if she DOES report to Amy, and Amy IS a low down instigator.
> So what? What can she do to this group. She won't be on the board

For me it is a matter of solidarity, a show of continued support for Kent (and indirectly
other less agressive members of SSE) and my determination that Amy and her co-conspirators
not benefit in any way shape or form from this forum, because of what she and her motley crew
have done to SSE and Kent. Thats about it. With issues you believe in and want to support (like
holding the line against corporate aggression such as Monsanto's) you either show solidarity or
likely to not be as effective in your work as you have the potential for.

> Just get all the legal ducks in a row here. For example, I believe I
> heard a couple of years ago that Kent had trademarked the phrase "Seed
> Savers Exchange" and that he vigorously defended his rights in that
> regard. If I am remembering correctly, then the name of this group may
> give SSE cause to interfere. As I recall, this was the reason that
> certain other groups had to migrate to such titles as "Seed
> Conservancy".

There are welldefined laws regarding what you can trademark and what you can not, same with corporation names.
You state's Secretary of State department can provide you with all those guidelines. What if Monsanto trademarked this 
name and formed a corporation around it? Though perhaps questionable I think he was wise to do that, as Bill Mollison 
has claimed certain permaculture trademarks, to prevent other corporations from deriving financial benefit from the work 
SSE has done bu using their name. This is a standard procedure and wise. Kent made unwise decisions about who he allowed 
to be on the SSE board of directors and is paying for that mistake now.

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