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Re: [seedsavers] Where is everyone?

There are a lot more out there.  I have most of their catalogs (somewhere). 
Milk Farm and Ronniger's sell potatoes.  Nichols 
www.nicholsgardennursery.com is a good one too.  I just came back from SE 
Arizona and picked up a catalog at a little farmer's market in Sierra Vista, 
AZ.  It is all native American seeds www.nativeseeds.org .  Wow!,  I have 
never seen so many beans and they have lots of chilies, tomatoes/tomatillos, 
corn,squash, melons and sorghum varieties. Not sure how they will do here. 
My season is  a little short and my summer nights are cool to downright 

A catalog came today from with  Gourmet Seed International 
www.gourmetseed.com.   I have hardly looked but it looks promising.  I have 
54 acres here.  Too much for a small woman my age.  Damn, too much too late. 
Why didn't I have this 20-30 years ago.  I just bought 500 Douglas Fir 
seedlings that I am going to plant to pay for my grandchildren's college 
education.  I figure if I can plant 500 seedling every year for 3-4 years in 
20 years they should be worth a pile of cash.  I have an old Ford 9N with a 
PTO and an auger to dig the holes.  I should be able to interplant berries, 
fruit trees and some nut trees.  Anybody started nut or fruit trees from 
seeds?  Guess I'll dig out Carla's book and see what she says :-)))

I am trying quinoa, sorghum, teff,  and chia this year.  Also tyfon, 
mangels, fodder radish and turnips for the livestock, wheat and millet for 
the chickens.  Should be interesting if it all grows.


> What a forum! Thanks Margaret and Elise. There are companies in your lists 
> that
> are completely new to me. I think I remmber reading about Glenn Drowns 
> involvement
> with Kent Whealy in the early days of the SSE. I may even have a copy of 
> their yearbook or catalog
> that mentions him. I remember a publication with a cover photograph of a 
> man and a woman not cracking a smile
> standing next to a display of very strange gourds?, pumpkins?, squashes? 
> that looked exactly like oversized
> human brains. I thought to myself that this is an organization that will 
> be going somewhere.
> This SSE issue have come out back in the days of the Whole Earth Catalog 
> or Co-Evolution Quarterly, both of which would
> have or may have done articles on the SSE. Literature of that era is 
> priceless to me, a big Bible for those times,
> along with Carla Emery's homesteading book, still ongoing, by the way.
> LL
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