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[seedsavers] saving tomato seeds

Ok, let me open up a big can of worms (or maybe not).

On another list someone asked about saving seeds from tomatoes, among 
other things. I would have just as soon someone else had answered it, 
but I know how it is to ask a question and have it lie there and no one 
answer it, so after a couple of days I replied.  True to form, someone 
answered it before my answer hit there. My answer was basically that you 
can save seed from non-potato leaved varieties, non-double flowered and 
non-currant types without worrying too much about crossing.  Someone 
immediately "corrected" me by saying all heirloom varieties are "old" 
and have open stile flowers and will cross readily. I would have thought 
if that was the case it would have been noted in at least one of the 
books I've read on seed saving.  About the closest thing I saw anywhere 
was to pull a few flowers off the plant and look at the flowers to see 
if they were open or closed, of course, pictures were not provided so 
you knew what to look for. ;-)

Stuff on the net is conflicting. Some say you should isolate or bag 
everything, some say you shouldn't worry about any of it it'll all be 
fine, with all kinds of people in the middle with do this and don't do that.

So, Heirloom varieties with "tomato type leaves"(as opposed to potato 
type leaves): apt to cross without bagging or isolation of more than 5 
feet, or not?

Inquiring minds wanna know,

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