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(1)Seamus Ross, “Changing Trains at Wigan: Digital Preservation and the Future of Scholarship.” NPO Preservation Guidance Occasional Papers. (London: National Preservation Office, 2000), 13.

(2)Helen R. Tibbo, “On the Nature and Importance of Archiving in the Digital Age,” Advances in Computers 57. (Elsevier, 2003), forthcoming, 75.

(3)“DSPACE Federation Announced: Next Step for the MIT-Based Open-Source Repository for Digital Scholarly Production.” NINCH ANNOUNCE, Jan. 28,2003, <>.

(4) A sharium is a virtual workspace with rich content and powerful tools where people can work independently or collaborate with others to learn and solve their information problems. A sharium is a complex learning community—combining the features of a collaboratory (e.g., Hamalainen, National Collaboratories)--where people collectively engage in research by sharing rich information resources, and a local library--where people come to meet and find information resources.

(5)Gary Marchionini, CACM, April 1998.