
2021: Volume 12, Issue 1 - Table of Contents



Mike Campau

Antisocial is a digital artwork series created by Mike Campau. The work illustrates flaws in Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat and Behance. The posts, created in 2018, ironically went viral online. The pieces depict vacant dark lots and are contrasted with neon imagery representing the social medias. The neon signs highlight the twisted behaviors that social media often promote and pokes fun at the flaws of these apps. The wording on the Facebook ad states "The place you go & make everyone think your life is great." The marquee below shows even more insight into the false realities that people on social media often portray stating "Here is what I post: Happy birthday to my wonderful husband who I'm lucky to have. Reality: we are getting a divorce." The contrast of how we actually behave compared to our actual emotions creates an almost alternative reality. The juxtaposition of reality and internet portrayal really shows the imperfections of online media, and highlights that being "social" online can make us antisocial. Campau states

Social media is starting to get some pullback, and rightfully so. Each platform has its own problems, but all have had a large impact on society as a whole, both good and bad. Each image takes place in an empty parking lot which is a symbol of our singularly isolated posts, but placed in a location where it can be easily seen by many.

Facebook: The place you go & make everyone think your life is great.Here is what I post: Happy birthday to my wonderful husband who I'm lucky to have. Reality: we are getting a divorce.

Twitter: My political view is all or nothing based on other posts and memes.

Snapchat: Open 10 Seconds, 24 Hours, ForeverI probably shouldn’t have sent that. Good thing it disappears right.

Instagram: Look at Me, Look at Me, Look at Me, Look at MeI need more followers. I better hurry up and post some cool shit. Why don't I have more followers?

LinkedIn: People I don't really know endorse me for things I really don't do.

Behance: I spend all day putting my link in project comments & not on my workThis project is great! Please check out my work

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