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Re: WB Nuthatches

In a message dated 3/8/01 12:41:52 PM, marmac1@worldnet.att.net writes:

<< What do you  use for snake guards for bluebird houses?  We have baffles on

metal poles for raccoon guards, but last year our "friendly" black rat snake

went over baffle.


Mary and all,
    We have 6" stove pipe, approx 2' in length, suspended @ 4-5" under our 
pole-mounted Bluebird house.  The top of the pipe is fitted with 1/2" 
hardware cloth, pretty snugly, so nothing can sneak through.  Make sure your 
house isn't located near overhanging trees or nearby shrubs that could let 
something could leap onto the house from above.     Also, not sure if this is 
good to do or not, but:  after mysteriously having young birds disappear 
shortly after hatching, someone said a Bluejay, Flying Squirrel, etc, could 
have reached in the hole and pulled babies out, even though have an extra 
piece of wood at entry hole.  So, I took out the piece of hardware cloth IN 
the box that lets the nest sit slightly off the floor, to control Blowfly 
larva, and gave the nest some extra distance below the hole.  That next nest 
fledged successfully.  Though the fairly flightless fledglings decided to 
spend their first 2 days in the tall grass under the kitchen window.  When I 
saw a Black Racer circle around the front of the house heading straight for 
the helpless guys, I ran outside and made noise with a stick in the leaf 
litter and he headed away downslope and left them alone.
    I personally wouldn't use repellants, etc, I'de be too worried about the 
toxicity to anything living, including the many lizards, skinks, etc, that we 
have nearby, not to mention butterflies etc, that may alight on it.  

Shelley Theye

Shelley Theye
N. Chatham County, NC