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Four Grebes

Hi Carolinabirders,
	The four grebes are still at HBSP. Gary Phillips, Paul Rogers and I were
there this morning.  A little more than halfway to the jetty we saw the
Eared Grebe in the surf and nearer the jetty we saw about eight Horned
Grebes and two Red-necked Grebes were swimming between the jetty mouth and
the base of the jetty very near its north side. The Pied-billed was routine
at Mullet Pond.  All told there were 64 species seen.  Of interest was the
very heavy offshore migration of these species: Laughing Gull, Red-throated
Loon, Bonaparte's Gull, and Herring Gull.  Other species of interest were:
N. Gannet, White-winged Scoter, a northbound skein of 10 or so flew over
the jetty, Virginia Rail, at the North end of Sandpiper Pond and which came
out in response to a taped call, Piping Plover, Purple Sandpiper, Common
Ground-Dove, Purple Martin, 2 flew in off the ocean, and a Sedge Wren
behind the secondary dunes in some myrtle bushes.  Both the Common Ground
Dove and Sedge Wren were seen in locations where we have found them on
previous occasions.
	I got some good photos of the Red-necked Grebes with my new toy, a Sony
Digital 8 camcorder with capture technology.

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC