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Purple finch

Our 'northeaster' brought in a beautiful pair of Purple Finch to my dogwood
tree from whose limbs hang many of my birdfeeders.  I did not actually see
them eating. I  heard birds singing outside my window and just happened to
look out and there they were on the limbs.  They were gone within a few
minutes.  This was such a treat.  We have not seen these pretty birds much
here this winter in Craven Co.,NC.  I did find one bird on the Christmas
count.  We have the housefinch most of the year, and I have decided they
have one of the prettiest songs of the Spring.

The Lower Neuse Bird Club met last night with a nice turnout despite the
blustery and wet weather.  Janet Lembke was our delightful speaker.  Her
talk was on despicable species, including the brown cowbird.  What a hoot!!
She has just written a new book on this topic,(titled DESPICABLE SPECIES),
and I can hardly wait to read it.  (It includes Kudzu)  Janet has a
residence down at Adam's Creek on the banks of her beloved Lower Neuse
River, where she spends about six months out of the year, so we think of her
as ours.  She loves to entertain birders, and some of us love going down to
visit which always include a personal guided field trip.

Joanne Harley
New Bern,NC