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Swallows. swifts and the CBBT

Picked up several first of the season species yesterday including a sizable
group of Northern Rough-winged Swallows and a single Barn Swallow at Lake
Wheeler, another pair of Barn Swallows and a Chimney Swift at Greenview
Pond, and a Blue-grey Gnatcatcher in my neighborhood.  While at Greenview I
also checked out the Great Blue Heron nests, now numbering at least 8, and
saw the first Great Egret and Blue-winged Teal of the year.

Bill Sugg was kind enough to invite me to ride along to the Chesapeake Bay
Bridge Tunnel Saturday to try for Harlequin Duck.  3 (drake and two hens)
have been reported from CBBT #4 for most of the season.  Well, we did not
find the three harlies... we found four!  A second drake has joined the
previous three.  Also present were 7+ Great Cormorants in breeding plumage
(one spectacularly so), Surf & Black Scoter, Red-throated and Common Loons,
Purple Sandpipers, a lost looking Barn Swallow and the regulars.  I shot
some pics of the ducks and others and posted them at

Have a great week!!

Steve Shultz
Cary, NC
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