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kestrel and ovenbird - great weekend

Driving home this afternoon I passed a Kestrel on a wire on Palestine Road,
north Cumberland County.  The bird actually stayed put while I turned around
and came back for a good look.  First time I've seen a kestrel in this area.

This morning a Hermit Thrush landed on a branch five feet from me.

On Saturday morning I had a great hour of birding in the vicinity of home.
There was an Ovenbird loudly calling.  Tree Swallows and Northern Rough
winged Swallows were swooping over the lake at different times.  Field,
Song, White throats and Chipping Sparrows were around. Lots of Yellow rumped
Warblers and Ruby crowned Kinglets were fly catching.  Some of the Kinglets
were singing.

There is one American Coot and three Ring-Necked Ducks on the lake.  They've
been here for the last week.

A great weekend!

Sue Pulsipher
Linden, N.C.