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This and That from KY

Hi All,
Well, a Titmouse just flew into a nest box on the trunk of a spruce tree
outside my studio window. She had the largest mouthful of grass, etc.
that I have ever seen. In fact she looked like a winged grass mound!
Just minutes ago as I walked around the yard, I heard the following
making mating and/or territorial calls: Red-bellied Woodpecker,
Yellow-shafted Flicker, Cardinals, Pileated Woodpecker, Carolina
Chickadees, Song Sparrows, Towhees, Mourning Doves, etc. However, I am
drooling over all of your reports about warblers and am anxiously
awaiting "mine". As my husband said recently, "I wonder which new nester
will visit our yard". In the past years we have enjoyed watching the
following nest up close and personal: Cerulean, Yellow-throated,
Blue-winged, Northern Parula, Worm-eating, Ovenbird, American Redstart
etc. We also have the following on our property: Golden-winged, , Black
and White, Blackburnian, Hooded, Kentucky, Yellow, Black-throated Green.
And, of course lots just pass thru: Canada, Chestnut-sided, Cape May,
Magnolia, Palm, Mourning, Pine, Tennessee, Yellow-rumped. So, the word
is, "Send them on to me"!!
Cheers, Joan of Art and Nature in KY