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Re: I need help/Racing Pigeon

Judy et al FYI,
 This is a racing pigeon. The bird was probably blown
 off course during the weekend storms. 
 It is best to cage and feed these birds e-rations of
 raw popcorn and dried peas or wild bird seed. They
 are usually pretty exhausted and need R&R before
 allowed to fly or they will become a raptor snack.
 In recent years, I have found the owners to be very
 interested in getting their birds back so they will
 usually send a buddy or come get the birds
 themselves rather then ask you release it.
 I sent Ginger the web sites for two of the main
 racing associations: 
 And a commercial site with a lot of links: 
 We used to end up with these birds at the veterinary
 hospital in Pinehurst. I no longer keep the phones
 Thought I'd post this as these birds do show up from
 time to time and list members may want to search the
 archives for this info.
 On a wild bird note, the 200+ American Goldfinches
 and 30+ Chipping Sparrows at my feeders all
 seemingly blew north with the storm front on 3/31.
 Whether they knowingly took advantage of the storm
 front or blew off my land...(?) They were here right
 up until mid afternoon.The M/F Purple Finch returned
 to the feeders on schedule-late morning-on 4/1.
 There was a flotilla of 13 Lesser Scaup on my
 neighbor's pond 3/31 late morning. It's a large 3-4
 acre pond but rarely attracts waterfowl.
 Jill Froning DVM
 s of Chapel Hill in n Chatham Co.


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