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HBSP on 4-4

Hi Carolinabirders,
	Today I met Bob Maxwell at Huntington Beach S.P. and we birded the
carriage path and jetty area.  Best news is terns are in! 54 species were
id'd.  Shorebirds were poor.

Red-throated Loon-10
Common Loon-2 one in adult plumage one evidently sick or injured swimming
with a list to starboard.
Pied-billed Grebe-3
Brown Pelican-8
Double-crested Cormorant-75
Great Blue Heron-1
Great Egret-2
Snowy Egret-4
MUTE SWAN-1 feral
Blue-winged Teal-15
Red-breasted Merganser-4
Turkey Vulture-3
N. Harrier-1 unusual location in a brushy wooded area.  Interesting to see
how the bird with its long wings was able to maneuver among the pine sablings.
Red-tailed Hawk-1
Am. Kestrel-1
Common Moorhen-3
Black-bellied Plover-1
Killdeer-heard only
Greater Yellowlegs-2
Ruddy Turnstone-7
Purple Sandpiper-14
Laughing Gull-8
Bonaparte's Gull-10
Ring-billed Gull-8
Herring Gull-7 all migrating north all were immatures
Caspian Tern-2
Royal Tern-5
Sandwich Tern-10
Forster's Tern-5
Mourning Dove-1
Belted Kingfisher-1
Red-bellied Woodpecker-1
Tree Swallow-numerous
Carolina Chickadee-3
Tufted Titmouse-12
Carolina Wren-1 heard only
Ruby-crowned Kinglet-3
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher-15
Gray Catbird-1
Brown Thrasher-2
Cedar Waxwing-20
White-eyed Vireo-4
Yellow-rumped Warbler-4
Pine Warbler-2
Prairie Warbler-3
AM. REDSTART-1 looked like a first year female only yellow in the tail
N. Cardinal-7
E. Towhee-1 heard only
White-throated Sparrow-3
Boat-tailed Grackle-6

Good company, good birding


Jack Peachey
Conway, SC