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the spring fever yard

Evening all,
Just wanted to share a little my what is happening in my home habitat.  I 
know some of this I have probably posted before and I am extremely sorry for 
the double info, but this time of year is a awesome time of year for me and 
I get so I excited I sometimes repeat myself.
My yard is full of spring time blooms, and they really are awesome this 
year. I planted some bulbs some time back, and don't remember what they are. 
  They have never bloomed, always sending up their green stalks, but nary a 
flower.  One flowered this year which made me want more, (wish I could 
remember the darned name) It was a bright orange, shaped like a tulip, a lot 
smaller though, and when you stand over it and look into it, it has a bright 
yellow interior and the yellow is shaped like a flower but still part of the 
orange petal.  Awesome flower.  I have a flying squirrel nesting in one of 
my blue bird boxes, a titmouse that is now busily feeding little chirps 
inside another bluebird box, a Carolina Wren has made a nest in a peat moss 
bag I had inadvertently left just under the edge of the back deck, 
chickadees in a bird house I had bought from Wally mart.  And tonight while 
inspecting the flower garden, (also today at lunch), I keep hearing the 
awesome sound of a hummer, but he hasn't let me see him, (I say him, because 
that's generally what comes in first), and he's hanging out at the edge of 
the woods, right next to the Columbine patch, which has bloomed this year 
more beautiful than it ever has.  I still have one blue bird box unoccupied 
and one log cabin type bird house that has been the home of many a 
chickadee.   Their is a robin couple nesting somewhere close by in the 
woods, they visit the yard looking for fast food and carry it home.  The 
daffodils are gone now and the azalias and red dogwood tree are opening up a 
little more each day.  In the midst of all of this I still have my winter 
visitors, Ruby-Crowned Kinglet, (usually gone the end of Feb., the lastest 
was in the beginning of March) and the Juncos, which is always gone by the 
end of Feb. There are a few birds singing through the woods that I am 
unfamiliar with. I am planning on getting a audio tape soon to learn all the 
birds songs, or at least find the ones that I am hearing.
I haven't been home long enough in the day to really take inventory but 
hopefully in the supposedly 80 degree weather the weather man is predicting 
for this weekend, I will be out there pulling weeds, watching and counting.
Good Spring Time Birding to all,

Cathy Green
N. Augusta, SC
catag57@hotmail.com  <A

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The words of God are not like the oak leaf which dies
and falls to the earth, but like the pine tree which
stays green forever-- Native American Proverb

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