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arriving migrants

This afternoon, Eastern Kingbird and Prothonotary Warbler arrived in Morris
Creek.  The Kingbird, unlike most everything else this year, is early.  The
previous early date I had for the Kingbird was April 8.  I had to see the
Kingbird before I would believe my own ear identification.  Not
surprisingly, the Kingbird was in the vicinity of the tree that has been
used as a nesting tree for three consecutive years.  The Prothonotary is
right on time.

Yesterday, I found the first White-eyed Vireo of the season in the very same
tangle where I found them all of last summer. 

Happy migration!
Donna Bailey
Winnsboro, SC
e-mail: dsbailey@conterra.com
URL: http://www.conterra.com/dsbailey
     "Where are the Birds?  Migration across South Carolina"