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first wood thrush!Ovenbird, Hooded?

Woke up listening to the beautiful song of the wood
thrush! My favorite migrant song-always makes my heart
flutter when I hear it for the first time in spring.
They are cutting so many trees down on 15-501 as they
widen the road, fragmenting this piece of forest even
more. I will keep my fingers crossed.Also heard the
parula for the first time(he usually arrives with the
Yellow-throated a little earlier) and the ovenbird
sang loudly for the first time yesterday afternoon!!!
Also, swore I heard a hooded warbler this AM in the
cacaphony of song. I will continue to listen for him
as well. IT IS SPRING today. Wow, I slept with the
windows open-I love this weather.Magical!
Happy migrants everybody!

Kate Finlayson
N. Chatham Co.,N.C.

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