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Migration Counts

I guess I'll add our migration counts to today's posting as well.  We will be
doing two counts in the southern NC mountains, both of which should be very
interesting and lots of fun.  I hope some of you can join us.

1.  The Henderson County count will take place Saturday, May 12th.  This count
is always interesting because you often find species that are unusual for the
mountains.  It is a nice mix of upland forest birds and river valley birds.  If
you are interested in this count contact Barbara Neal at 828/697-7257 or email
at jlbjneal@bellsouth.net.

2.  For the first time we will also be doing a count in Buncombe County.  This
count will take place Sunday, May 13th and should also be a great count.  The
count circle will include low, middle, and high elevation species so should be
a great mix of songbirds with lots of warblers, vireos, and thrushes.  It will
include Beaver Lake on the low end and Balsam Gap (Spruce/Fir zone) at the high
end and will include over 20 miles of the Blue Ridge Parkway (it's very winding
as you know).  If you are interested in this count call Marilyn Westphal at
828/251-6823 or email at mjwestphal@unca.edu.
Marilyn Westphal/Hendersonville, NC