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Falls Lake Migrants


Went to Brickhouse Road Waterfowl Impoundment on 4/12:

American Redstart 2
White-eyed Vireo  1
N. Parula  2
Yellow-throated Warbler  1
Wood Thrush  1
Barn Swallow  8
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher  8

Other neat birds seen:

Common Yellowthroat  12
Marsh Wren  2
White Crowned Sparrow  1
Green Heron  1

On 4/13 saw several CLIFF SWALLOWS at New Light Road Bridge.

Last week at Rollingview:

Louisiana Waterthrush
Ovenbirds (everywhere now)

Brian Bockhahn
Falls Lake State Park Ranger
Falls Lake CBC Compiler
13304 Creedmoor Road
Wake Forest, NC 27587

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