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Last week I wrote about the Baltimore Oriole coming to our suet. He's
been around since the week before Christmas. I mentioned he was molting.
Well, Sunday I looked outside at the right moment to see a brilliant
male oriole--black and bright, vivid orange. I don't think the male I
had seen two days earlier could've been in it's full breeding colors
that quickly, so it might have been another male. Yesterday I was
treated to a female Baltimore Oriole at the suet feeder! WOW!! I wish
they would stay!!

I checked inside the chickadee box and discovered four eggs yesterday.
We've bought a new pole with a baffle at Outdoor Bird Company, hoping to
keep away the snakes this year. After our record heat in Raleigh this
week, the weather forcast is calling for cold temps next week. I hope it
doesn't get too cold like it did two years ago!

A pair of Brown-headed Nuthatches are drilling a hole in a dead pine
tree outside our bedroom window.

As I'm writing this I just heard the House Wren for the first time. He
better leave my chickadee nest alone!! There is another box close by
they chose last year, so I hope they choose that one again.

This past week while birding in the area Joe and I have seen White-eyed
Vireo, gnatcatcher, Palm Warbler, Tree Swallow, and Chimney Swift. Wish
a hummingbird would find our feeders!

I'm looking forward to birding tomorrow!

Happy spring birding! Karen Bearden
Raleigh, NC