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Bluebirds; caution on birds and chemicals

Thanks to all who responded to my cry for help when pair of bluebirds seemed
to be distressed.  When I told my husband that I was writing this group for
help, he said, "I bet you won't get a response in time for it to help us!"
Well, he was wrong!  Before I could turn around, I was receiving e-mail
after e-mail.  Wish I had bet him a new scope!!  Is this a great group or

I am happy to report that they have calmed down and Ms. Bluebird is sitting
on the 5 eggs with Mr. Bluebird perched nearby.  We never could find any
sign of predators.  We are watching from house through scope and enjoying it
all.  Next time I will know to keep a log, so I have a better chance of
understanding behavior in relationship to nesting, etc.

On another topic, I was pleased to find the following statement in Lowe's
e-mail newsletter.  I wrote a thanks to them.  As a person with severe
allergy and chemical sensitivity problems AND an avid birdwatcher, I am
delighted to see this type of information go out to the masses.

"Important Note: In all aspects of feeding, watering and attracting birds,
it is important to remember this fact: Insecticides, fertilizers and other
commonly used chemicals can be deadly to birds, and have no place on or near
bird feeding, watering or nesting areas. Please be conscious of how your
actions may affect the health of the birds you are inviting to your home."

Happy Birding,
Mary A. McDaniel
Charlotte, NC