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PS on CRC EagleCam

I forgot to mention that those of us with slow modems will probably 
not be able to watch the CRC webcam on the nesting Bald Eagles. It is 
currently reloading every 15 seconds, which means for my pokey old 
33.6 modem that the image starts to reload before it fully loads from 
the last time it tried. Hence, I don't get to see anything but the 
top half of the image, if I'm lucky. We're trying to talk them into 
slightly less frequent downloads which would let us stone-agers see 
what's going on.

Rob Bierregaard

Rob Bierregaard


				Phones: 704 333 2405
Biology Department			704 547 3499
UNC-Charlotte			Faxes:	704 333 2404
9201 University City Blvd.		704 547 3128
Charlotte NC 28223-0001		rbierreg@email.uncc.edu
