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HBSP on 4-18

Hi Carolinabirders,
	I met with Jerry & Carolyn Barnhart, my friends from Rochester, N.Y. for a
morning of birding at Huntington Beach S.P., Murrells Inlet, Georgetown,
County, SC. They are here for the fourth straight spring for a week of
birding and they brought Carolyn's side of the family with them for a stay
at the beach.  How is that for birding bringing in the bucks for SC?  We
just had glimpses of the causeway area and went to the jetty area (again
very poor for shorebirds but fair for terns). We were joined on the jetty
by Bob Maxwell and we then went to the carriage path and did most of the
old entrance road.  
	Barbara is with Bob at the beach but is not up to long treks to the jetty.
She looks and sounds good but the Chemo gives her days of sickness and
discomfort. She will receive her third chemo treatment next Tuesday.  Bob
and Barbara have expressed their appreciation for the prayers and good
wishes of "our club". 
	For today, we had 58 species despite some unseasonably cold and for the
past week, rather windy weather. Numbers in single digits should be
accurate, numbers in double digits best guesstimate.  Names in caps are
exceptional birds for the park. Here goes

Red-throated Loon-3
Common Loon-4 two in bright breeding plumage
Pied-billed Grebe-2
N. Gannet-5 all in first year plumage
Brown Pelican-7
Double-crested Cormorant-35
Great Blue Heron-1
Green Heron-1
Blue-winged Teal-4
MOTTLED DUCK-1 keeping company with the teal-only the second record for the
park that I am aware of.
Red-breasted Merganser-7
Virginia Rail-1 again at the North end of Sandpiper Pond-seen in response
to the second playing of the tape and then walked right in front of the
four of us. NEAT.
Sora-1 heard only
Common Moorhen-3
Am. Coot-1
Black-bellied Plover-1
Am. Oystercatcher-2
Greater Yellowlegs-1
Ruddy Turnstone-1
Purple Sandpiper-1
Laughing Gull-6
Ring-billed Gull-7
Royal Tern-1
Common Tern-1 carpal bar well seen in flight
Forster's Tern-15
Least Tern-2
Mourning Dove-3
Red-bellied Woodpecker-1 heard only
Downy Woodpecker-1 male
Pileated Woodpecker-1 heard only
Great Crested Flycatcher-5
E. Kingbird-1
Purple Martin-5
Tree Swallow-150
Barn Swallow-25
Blue Jay-2
Carolina Chickadee-1 heard only
Carolina Wren-3
Marsh Wren-2 heard only
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher-3
N. Mockingbird-1
Brown Thrasher-3
N. Parula-2 heard only
Yellow-rumped Warbler-3 heard only
Yellow-throated Warbler-2 heard only
Pine Warbler-2 heard only
Prairie Warbler-1
N. Cardinal-5
E. Towhee-2 heard only
Red-winged Blackbird-1
Boat-tailed Grackle-3
Common Grackle-1 heard only
Orchard Oriole-1 nice adult male singing his head off in the live oak
outside the camp office store, where they have nested in previous years.

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC