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Carolina RBA April 20 Update

hotline: Carolina Rare Bird Alert
date: April 20, 2001
number: 704-332-2473
to report: 704-332-2473 or 704-532-6336 or PiephoffT@aol.com
compiler: Taylor Piephoff for the Carolina Bird Club

Hello, this is an April20 update of the Carolina Rare Bird Alert featuring 
birding news from North and South Carolina. Highlights on this report are:


The LIMPKIN at Savannah NWR in SC was seen April 19 in the usual spot. This 
bird can be very conspicuous but can also remain concealed for hours at a 
time. Birders have missed seeing the LIMPKIN on several occasions. Look along 
the Laurel Hill Wildlife Drive about .9 miles from the start. The road takes 
a 90 degree right turn at that point.

A LONG-BILLED CURLEW was seen at the Shackleford Banks in NC on 4-14. The 
exact location was not reported.

A RAZORBILL was seen from the Cedar Island- Ocracoke ferry on 4-14. Strong NE 
winds that day are probably responsible for pushing this bird into the sound.

On April 14 a female LAPLAND LONGSPUR was observed in the short grass at the 
Cedar Island ferry terminal. 

AM. SWALLOW -TAILED KITES are seen in NC each April as migration overshoots. 
Birders on the Outer Banks and Alligator River NWR in NC should keep an eye 
out for one. A kite or kites has been reported from several points from 
Ocracoke I. to Alligator River NWR.

Thanks this week to Steve Compton and John McKeever for their calls and 
reports. some of this information was gleaned from Carolinabirds.

Taylor Piephoff
Charlotte, NC