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Week's happenings

Quite honestly I am in a pickle this spring.  I want to get out and bird,
but I feel so much better if I don't!  Pollen you know.  Last spring I was
miserable, but saw lots of great migrants.  This year I'm limiting my
birding, feel great, but am a little behind some of you who are getting
more "field time".

Anyway, the past week has provided....

Summer Tanagers arriving at Hemlock Bluffs in their normal spot.  The
tanagers are usually quite easy to find (if you know the call) between the
nature center and the stairway down the bluffs.

Hooded Warbler returning to Hemlock.  These little bundles of energy are
usually easy to hear/find at the end of the main boardwalk farthest from
the stairway down he bluffs on the flood plain loop.

Nesting Yellow-throated Vireos at Hemlock Bluffs.  Nest is visible in a
branch overhanging Swift Creek if the observer stands at the first right
turn on the main boardwalk if walking the flood plain loop clockwise.

Other migrants/summer residents at Hemlock/Ritter include Louisiana
Waterthrush, YT warbler, Blk&Wht warbler, the 4 common vireos, Prairie
Warbler, Ovenbird, Parula.

A one-eyed Rose-breasted Grosbeak has been hanging around the yard for 3
days.  Earliest we have seen them in the yard, usually get one in May.

Chucks and Whips calling from the south end of West Lake Road.  The recent
cold snap seems to have put a damper on their activities, but on warm
nights many chucks and a couple of whips can be heard.

Male RT hummers doing the pendulum display in the yard and "in the field".
Always entertaining to watch.

Broad-winged Hawk hanging out on the powerlines near the house.

This weekend looks to have potential, hope you all get a chance to get out!

Steve Shultz (holding steady at 252 on the year)
Cary, NC
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