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Hemlock Bluffs and Mystery Bird

Went this AM to Hemlock Bluffs. Mission 1: Find the Yellow-throated Vireo
nest. It was pointed out by someone, and we waited for what seemed like half
an hour before the birds finally showed up. Talk about a crick in the neck!
It's pretty high up. I finished up the loop and saw/heard Acadian
Flycatchers, Parulas, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Carolina Wrens, Wood Thrushes,
Red-bellied Woodpeckers, Common Grackles, Brown-headed Cowbirds, American
Crows, Blue Jays, Titmice, Chickadees, Cardinals, the Yellow-throated Vireo,
Red-eyed Vireo, a couple that got away, plus others. I'm not too good with
songs yet, so Hooded Warbler and probably many other migrants got away.

There was one bird I was able to photograph but couldn't identify due to the
fact that, as said before, I'm not good with songs. Plus it was fairly high
up, so views of the belly were copious while views of the upperside weren't.
The song was very musical and fairly high-pitched. A link to the pictures
are at http://www.gatherround.com/j/AlbumIndex?u=170250&a=191777&pw=mbarbet
Comments are appreciated. You can either directly e-mail me or you can click
on the link on the left of the page that says 'Make a Comment About This

Thanks to Steve Shultz for directing all of us to the vireo nest. I struck
out on the Whip-poor-wills at West Lake Road but got several
Chuck-will's-widows there.

Roger Shaw
Raleigh, NC