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Watauga Birds

Happy spring!! (Finally)

Lots of stuff is back now in the Boone, Blowing Rock area including Eastern
Kingbird, Least Flycatcher,  House Wrens, Barn, Rough-winged, and Tree
Swallows, Chimney Swifts, Red-eyed, Yellow-throated, and Blue Headed Vireo,
Black & White, Yellow, Black throated Blue, Black-throated Green, Ovenbird,
Scarlet Tanager, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, and Baltimore Oriole, Savannah
Sparrow, Chippies, Field, White-throated, and Vespers in the area.  First
Solitary Sandpiper the other day as well.

The best bird has been an American Bittern at a private wetland area off of
Castleford Road.  This is just a fourth county record and the bird has been
seen since April 14th.  it is in the same area as one seen last year into
June by Jason Bullock.

I am leading a weekly walk at the Valle Crucis Community Park behind the
Mast Store Annex on Wednesday mornings at 8:30 am.  Cost is $5.00 per person
and lasts til 10:30.

Don't forget the Grandfather Mountain Birding weekend May 4-6th.  Friday the
4th is Owl Prowl at Linn Cove Viaduct Visitors Center at 7:00 pm.  Saturday
the 5th we will have 3 walks, two indoor programs and a banding
demostration.  Call 1-800-4MT-PEAK for a complete schedule or check
grandfather.com.  On Sunday may 6th we will have the Grandfather Mountain
Spring Bird Count.  Meet at McCrae Meadows at 7:00 am or call the Watauga
County Birding Hotline for a territory at 828-265-0198.

And last but not least, the new High Country Host website
(highcountryhost.com) has a weekly update of the Hotline on the site as well
as birding news for the High Country.  Check it out.

Curtis Smalling
Ecos of the Blue Ridge
Watauga Birding Hotline  828-265-0198