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Re: Shepherd Trail this morning

On Thu, 26 Apr 2001, frank rheindt wrote:
> Josh and I went to the Shepherd Trail (Durham, NC) this morning. We 
> actually wanted to go to the Butner Gamelands, but Josh (who has been 
> getting a lot more senile the past few weeks) locked his keys in the car 
> and it took us too long to get them out, so time was short.

You liar! Telling such slander about me, after I was nice and refrained 
from telling everybody about how you got lost last Saturday at Weymouth 
Woods and only returned after Steve Hall and Scott Hartley had already 
left to search for you...

> Along the Shepherd Trail and its parking lot itself, we found 8 more 
> warblers and a lot more other cool stuff:
> - 1 singing Black-throated Blue Warbler
> - 1 singing Hooded Warbler
> - lots of Red-eyed Vireos
> - Parula (singing), Black/white ( 1 also seen), Ovenbird, Yellowthroat
> - a pair of Summer Tanagers
> - Accipiter spec. (1) (our guess was Cooper's)

One other noteworthy bits which Frank left out: a singing Swainson's 
Thrush right near the trailhead. Frank believes he may have seen a bird 
of the same species in the same location about a week ago... And a 
Ruby-throated Hummingbird feeding from Buckeye flowers along the trail. 
We also discovered a Carolina Chickadee nest in the middle of the Duke 
Bio Sci parking lot as we were waiting for the police to come with a slim 
jim for FRANK'S car, and added Common Yellowthroat to Frank's yard list 
while we were fetching the spare set of keys to HIS car.

Good birding (even with libelous Germans),


Joshua S. Rose
Duke University
Department of Biology (Zoology, R.I.P.)
