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White-crowned Sparrow, G-W Warbler, more

This morning produced a small flurry of activity around our house in north
Asheville -- first Blackpolls were singing, N. Parula, A. Redstart, and
still several Yellow-rumped Warblers, a Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and a
White-throated Sparrow.

Over the weekend, a few other things here and there:

-- Chestnut-sided and Prairie warblers at Beaver Lake Bird Sanctuary;

-- Adult White-crowned Sparrow at a friend's feeder 15 miles northwest of

-- Golden-winged Warbler and Yellow-breasted Chat (the latter singing in
the top of a still-bare 40' hardwood tree), in western Buncombe County.

best,  Len Pardue, Asheville, NC