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Carolinabirds: Shepherd Trail, May 1

Hi all,

not a lot changed in Shepherd Trail's (Durham, NC) avifauna during the past 
few days.
A brief stroll along the trail this morning produced almost the same birds 
as a few days ago:

- Summer Tanager (1 male seen and heard)
- Scarlet Tanager (3 males seen and heard)
- Black-throated Blue W. (1 male seen and heard)
- Hooded Warbler (1 male seen and heard)
- Prairie W. (1 male seen only)
- Red-eyed Vireo (heard only)
- Black/white W. (heard only)
- Indigo Bunting (1 male seen and heard)
- Ovenbird

Still waiting for the first Acadian Fly's to show up...
