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Tree Swallows nesting in Raleigh ...


Tree Swallows are nesting again in the swamp on Raleigh Blvd. north of
Crabtree Creek, in the same tree I suspected they used last year. This time
I saw the female go all the way into the cavity and stay for a few minutes.
For anyone wanting to check them out, walking north on Raleigh Blvd. from
the intersection with Crabtree, stop at the second fire hydrant and look
toward the big concrete sewer cistern out in the swamp at about 10 o'clock.
About half way out to the cistern, just to the left of your line of sight,
is a dead snag broken off a bit below eye level. The apparent nest cavity is
on the left side. There are probably more than one pair, as there are more
than 2 adults around (even saw 2 males fighting) and plenty of dead trees
with holes in them.

Also, a pair of GB Herons are building a nest in a tree farther up Raleigh
Blvd near the third hydrant quite close to the road, impossible to miss.
This is a first for the swamp as far as I know.

The Buckeye Trail was quiet this morning, with few migrants, nothing that
hasn't been reported in the last few days.

Good birding,
Dan Kaplan