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student seeks Starlings to study

Does anybody have any suggestions for this student? Please reply to 
them, and not me.
Patrick Coin
Durham, NC

>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 13:26:55 -0400
>From: Randee Haven-O'Donnell <rhaveno@da.org>
>To: Patrick Coin <patrick@coinconsult.net>
>Subject: Starlings
>Dear Patrick,
>  Quite a whiel back you assisted one of my students who was studying
>birds in NC.  Currently, I have a student who is studying the
>introduction of starlings and their presence in NC.  Do you have any
>information in this area.  She has access to Chatham, Orange and Durham
>Counties.  Are there sitings, or populations of starlings known in
>theses areas?  Is there a resource you would refer her to? Thanks for
>your attention and consideration in this matter.  Ms. O'Donnell