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Outer Banks Migrants

Found a few migrants on Bodie Island this morning before work: Two
Redstarts, two Magnolia Warblers, one CANADA Warbler, one N. Parula, one
Black-throated Blue Warbler, two Ovenbirds, two Blackpolls, two or more
Summer Tanagers, one Baltimore Oriole and one singing Bobolink. Also stopped
by the pond and found 5 Virginia Rails and a Stilt Sandpiper among the
thousands of shorebirds.
	Slow in the Elizabethan Gardens today, did have one Redstart, one Blackpoll
and one CHESTNUT-SIDED Warbler, though. NO unusual vireos!
	I am going to look for breeding Anhingas and Short-eared Owls on the
Alligator River Refuge tomorrow!
	Jeff Lewis
	Manteo, NC