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Outer Banks migrants

	Lots of birds this a.m. at Pea Island following the passage of yesterday's
cold front. Joan and I had 12 species of warblers including Bay-breasted,
Cape May, Blackburnian, N. Parula, Chat and Hooded. We also saw two
Clay-colored Sparrows, several Blue Grosbeaks, a few Baltimore Orioles,
Indigo Buntings, Bobolinks, Red-breasted Nuthatches, House Wrens, a Merlin,
Phoebe, and Pewee. Later, back on Roanoke Island I added Black-throated Blue
Warbler, a Black-and-white, and a CONNECTICUT! to the day's "warbler list."
Other warblers seen by birders today included Yellow-throated, Nashville and
	The Connecticut Warbler was seen in the Elizabethan Gardens but was not
relocated later in the p.m. I will definitely keep an eye out tommorrow!
	Jeff Lewis - Manteo, NC