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Duke Forest Sat am

Hi Folks,

Spent 2 hours this am at the Shepherd Trail in search of Frank 
Rheindt's 11 warblers. I didn't get many, but I'm not good on migrant 
warbler songs, so I probably missed a lot. However, I did get 
up-close and personal views of both m+f Magnolia Warblers in the 
bushes near the picnic shelter. The male was kind enough to sit still 
in full view for a full 10 minutes preening, allowing me to get all 
his field marks. He even ignored a heavily panting jogger that 
stumbled by. A lifer for me (the bird, not the jogger ;-) ) so my 
weekend is already a good one!

Also saw or heard (h/o)

RT hawk		1
Am crow		2
bluejay		3
cardinal	6
t titmouse	8
C chickadee	10+
B+W warbler 	1 h/o
prairie W	1 h/o
Am Redstart	2 m
ovenbird	2 h/o
RE vireo	6, lots of fighting going on
WB nuthatch	1
hairy WP	2
RB WP		h/o
Am Robin	2
G Catbird	1 h/o
E towhee	3
BH cowbird	2
indigo bunting 	3 m
summer tanager 	2 m+f
And a first at Duke Forest for me: a DC cormorant flew over!

With the migrant fall out reported this week, it's a shame we didn't 
do the migrant day count this weekend!

Did anyone else see the glossy ibises I saw at Brickhouse Road/Falls 
Lake last weekend? I was hoping I might be able to find them again 

Steve Perry

Receptor Biology Lab, Duke Uni Med Center, Durham, NC
